Here you will find links to resources on pricing illustration and negotiating with your clients:

Open resources:

Germany: IO Resources on the Diversity Campaign: Stundensatzkalkulator for hourly rates.

IO Nutzungsrechte Kalkulator for usage fees

Auftragswerk – Basic Knowledge about working as an illustrator, rights, calculation, etc. free to download.

Switzerland: Syndicom Pricing Guide for illustrators, authors and comic artists.

Spain: Libro Blanco de la ilustración gráfica | New White Book of illustration in Spain

Guía Ninja del Ilustrador

Price It Right en Espagnol

United Kingdom: AOI Price It Right – Pricing Basics Some of the essentials for pricing commissions

Nordic Culture Pointapply for funding The Nordic countries are Denmark, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Åland.
Cultural players, artists, public and private organisations, associations, etc., also from outside the Nordic countries, regardless of nationality, can apply for Project Funding. Apply for funding for collaborations in the field of art, culture, and civil society. Find the right form of funding and make an application using the application portal

Ansök om stöd Sök medel för samarbeten inom konst, kultur och samhälle. Hitta rätt stödform och upprätta en ansökan i sökportalen.

Hae tukea Hae tukea kulttuuriseen, taiteelliseen tai yhteiskunnalliseen yhteistyöhön. Valitse oikea tukimuoto ja luo hakemus hakuportaalissa.

Resources for Members of the organisation:

Netherlands: The Illustratie Ambassade is a partner of the BNO and through this organization, Dutch designers and illustrators can receive advice on contracts and project agreements. The BNO also provides legal advice and shares examples from illustration practice on the Illustratie Ambassade platform. Membership gives illustrators and designers access to valuable professional support and guidance.

Norway: Resources and guides Arbeidsliv

Italy: Resources and Forms here.


  • Price your work right! Illustrators who are unsure of pricing can get in touch with their national membership association, for advice and guidance.
  • Tell everyone about it! Illustrators and Commissioners can download the Price it Right logo from the AOI website to display, advertising that they welcome transparent, fair pricing in all work.
  • Follow the campaign! Share experiences of Pricing it Right at #priceitright and be part of the fair pay movement.