Illustration by D Brazell
The EIF campaigns
The EIF regularly campaigns to support illustrators and their clients in their profession. The campaigns touch upon (re)current issues related to copyright, contracts, legislation and pricing and provide guidelines and solutions for fair agreements.
Effective professional standards
The aim is to promote professional standards and effective working relations between illustrators and clients. The campaigns are run mainly online, via social media and where possible we organise local events in the different countries EIF has a presence.
Price It Right
Price It Right is relaunched following the results of the EIF Diversity Survey carried out to better understand the opportunities and challenges within the illustration sector today in countries across Europe. The results highlighted that the major concerns of illustrators are related to fees and the value of illustration being recognised.
The campaign is asking everyone throughout the industry – from illustrators to commissioners – to get involved.
The campaign #priceitright:
- Increases understanding and confidence in pricing illustration.
Illustration has a logical pricing structure – commissioners pay for what they want with a licence based on use of the artwork, time period of the licence and territory of the use. It is a straightforward system, but one which needs to be clearly priced. If you are not sure how to approach pricing – get in touch with your local organisation or use the negotiation and pricing resources from EIF member organisations (links below). - Values Illustration.
Copyright assignments of all rights in artwork, or blanket licenses lead to illustration being devalued and the licencing model being ignored. Over time this means illustration is an unsustainable career for individuals, and the wealth of illustration talent commissioners draw on disappears. - Supports business.
Negotiation is an important part of business. With informed pricing negotiations are clearer and more solid, leaving more time for the creative process.
Watch the informative recording of Price It Right: Licensing and Negotiation Webinar for Illustrators
PriceItright is an European campaign by EIF. Start sharing and tell you stories #priceitright
- Price your work right! Illustrators who are unsure of pricing can get in touch with their national membership association, for advice and guidance.
- Tell everyone about it! Illustrators and Commissioners can download the Price it Right logo from the AOI website to display, advertising that they welcome transparent, fair pricing in all work.
- Follow the campaign! Share experiences of Pricing it Right at #priceitright and be part of the fair pay movement.

Not A Hobby
The European Illustrators Forum shares and supports the Global Business Empowerment campaign #NotAHobby launched by the AOI - UK to encourage illustrators to manage their business successfully.
The campaign is asking everyone throughout the industry – from illustrators to commissioners, to get involved.
What does the campaign want to achieve?
We want to see all illustrators confidently pricing their work and managing their businesses successfully.
We want illustrators around the world to earn a fair income.
We want to see everyone (commissioner, client and creative) understanding and respecting licensing, contracts and fair pay.
Succeding together.
Illustrators, Agents, Tutors, Commissioners!
Share the campaign image with your own words of empowerment!
In order to really move our industry forward we need to work together and get this message outside of our own ‘bubbles’ so we can truly reach everyone. Let’s flood social platforms with informative and inspirational insights, celebrating the business of illustration! Use the hashtag #NotAHobby
> Campaign image by Cathal Duane
For more information and resources #NotAHobby

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