Galleria Kuvitus Finland presents exhibitions online

Galleria Kuvitus is the only gallery in Finland to focus on the art of illustration in all its forms.  Maintained by the Finnish Illustration Association Kuvittajat. the exhibitions are professionally juried and curated by staff or guest curators to present a variety of artists, styles and illustration techniques.
The gallery is set in the premises of Kuvittajat in Helsinki.
During the COVID_19 crisis the exhibitions happen online at according to the following calendar:


Liisa Kallio
21.3. – 30.4.2020
The solo exhibition Tunto features charcoal drawings by the illustrator Liisa Kallio (b.1968).
The main theme of the exhibition is the sensation of touch.

Kati Närhi
8.5. – 18.6.2020
Kati Närhi’s (b. 1973) solo exhibition is related to the new book, Ei mikään (Nothing), written and illustrated by Närhi herself.
The illustration style of the author’s edition is inspired by Victorian prints.

Miila Westin
14.8. – 19.9.2020
Miila Westin’s (b. 1987) solo exhibition presents Finnish mythological creatures and colorful modernized illustrations based on them.
The work is based on her dissertation from 2020 for the Master of Arts degree from Aalto University.

Apila Pepita
25.9. – 30.10.2020
Apila Pepita’s  (b. 1991) colorful pastel toned works focus on the topics of gender diversity, feminism and sexuality.

Ville Salervo
6.11. – 12.12.2020
Ville Salervo´s (b. 1979) digital illlustration series Deus Ex Machina shows different “god machines” that have somehow influenced human history and the present state of the world.

Reka Kiraly
16.12. – 23.1.2021
Reka Kiraly’s (b. 1977) solo exhibition will open up the illustrator’s work process for everyone.
It consists of ink drawings and sketches from notebooks, drawings on paper rolls and interactive paper puzzle and 3 actual books.

The illustration is by Kati Närhi